My MacroEcons tutor was super funny so different from my lecturer,
his damn funny can, he keep giving us breaks and stuffs but he teaches well,
he is supposingly to be the best MacroEcons tutor. (:
There's many projects upcoming and I'll be busy till 5june onwards for two weeks,
oh and I didn't join any CCA at all, I only joined TPSU,
and HTM was given a chance to help out in YOG. :D See HTM rocks.
Anyway today had a short day and after school, Gwen, Vivian, Hui Yi, Nazza and Kelly,
we all went to KFC opposite school to have a drink and chatted,
we chatted till 6plus then off we went home. :D
Off to watch TV and play my computer, tomorrow I shall do my F&B Project. (:
P.S: Enjoy the pictures.
Eleanor, Vivian, Hui Yi, Gwen, Sammy, Emma! :D
Project mates! :D