Hahahah, I dont want my blog to be picture-less, henceee...! :D Thiss!
Anyway I've officially finished all my exams and there is 7weeks break!
Beat that man, its so fast one semester has gone by and hopefully I dont fail any exams,
cause I dont want to go back for Sup Paper! ):
Well, exams were suppose to end at 430 but I left the room at 315 or 330pm,
cause apparently I finished damn early so I decided not to rot there and come out,
waited for the rest to come out and off we went to Tamp Mall for Pizza Hut,
ate and chatted there, after the meal all left for home and some work,
while me, HuiYi, Gwen left for Orchard for shopping,
went to Ion--> Wisma--> Far East-->Mango--> Macdonalds--> random cart shops! :D
& I got a new sandals already, thanks to Gwen Chia, she found it for me,
and its freaking 10bucks only, its super niceeeee mannn! :D
&oh ya we went to the random shops along Orchard and I found a top/dress,
while Huiyi got herself a high waist shorts and gwen a top, all 10bucks only,
see we spent the minimum!:D Wooo, Bugis tomorrow with them then out with girls again!
Okay I just saw HuiYi's mail got to open it, sure about class outing, bye!
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