Tuesday, October 20, 2009

School Opens for all Poly Students, New Semester, New goals, New Timetable! :D
Alright school has reopen yesterday, I still can't get into lecture mode yet,
but I'm accepting it already, because I think I have a good timetable,
my cross disciplinary subjects is Trans & Japanese, all same as HuiYi,
at least I got someone with me in each CDS, oh and by the way,
say bye bye to me in one more week's time cause I'm going to live in Temasek Green! :D
If you people think, why the hell am I going there, its part of my CDS,
I got to stay there as I have lesson till the night, and on a saturday morning,
but the good thing is that it ends in 3 weeks time and from then on I won't have anymore. (:
Now for the first day of school and the second, I think it was good so far,
lessons were alright, our lecturers are funny like Uncle Benny,
he laughs at his own jokes and shows us many videos during lecture, rock on Uncle Benny, haha,
oh and when today lecture ended, there was a injured soldier and a ghost walked in,
scare the freaked out of me, and the scariest thing was that the ghost sat in front me and Ling Hui,
& Wan leng was the funniest, she was laughing at us and suddenly the soldier was behind her,
she screamed bloody loudly, but after all that commotion, they were promoting the Sentosa Haunted thingy,
I have a discount for it if I buy it from school, shall ask the girls, whether they prefer this one. :D
Alright shall post about my seventeen birthday tomorrow, seeya!
P.S: Destination Truth rocks, go watch it now now now now! Tuesday 10pm.
P.SS: I have a amazing brother, woooo!

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