Let me fucking explain to you people how these ground rules in our house got set,
it was set by a fucking big fat bitch, and I'm very sure it's all about us,
& take note of this bitch, you are fucking fat and irritating.
Rule 1: Please switch off all appliances when we are out.
Okay fine, I have to agree cause it's a go green country, but fuck you bitch, on the first day all aircon was on when we went out, how do you explain that?
You did not fucking say we had to off all appliances and wait we are pay the same amount, why must you control the usuage of the electricity that we use? Is it your fucking problem?
Rule 2: Clean up after our mess.
Okay I agree with this too. But don't fucking tell me you don't make messes also, you always bring the guys up to our hostel and you fucking make a mess too, did we scold you? No. What fucking right you have to text me and tell me I made a mess in the hostel, it was just a few cups thats all, BITCH.
Rule 3: Don't mix up halal cutlery.
I don't disagree, and its not shooting me and Hui Yi.
Rule 4: Take turn to clean the house.
I agree with this. But bitch, don't you know you don't clean the house too? On the first day, I moved in you asked me to mop the floor, and yes I did it cause I thought it was part of my responsibility to keep the hostel clean, and you sat there using your computer, called your friends over? Fucking irresponsible. So don't fucking ask me to clean the hostel if you yourself don't clean it.
Rule 5: Don't take things without permission.
Don't fucking come shoot Hui Yi, cause you are the freaking one who said if you need my charger, go ahead and take it by yourself in my room, you didn't say we needed to inform you or anything, so don't fucking set this rules. You think your stuffs are fucking valuable? No, a big fat No! If its not because of Hui Yi changing phone because she killed her LG charger, she won't even have to ask from you and stop giving us that WTF face, you are fucking from Year 2 but still, we don't give a fuck.
Rule 6: Inform the rest if big group of friends are coming.
Okay I agree cause that was set from the first day.
Rule 7: Reduce the saying of Vulgarities. ( that wasn't listed but the bitch told us)
Okay fuck you bitch, it's called Trans National for a reason cause we need to live with different cultures. & our culture is saying FUCK, what can you do? You can fucking don't listen to it, no one asked you to. & Why not I make a rules to shut your bloody K-Pop song off when your phone rings, any idea how irritating your phone is? Its fucking irritating like your face. & We didn't irritate you, neither should you, we say fuck to ourselves ain't you, so why you bother about us? Fucking bitch. Oh and another rules, why not I set a rule that says shut the hell up when you bring your guy friends up at 2 plus in the morning when I'm about to sleep or using my computer. You think the hostel is yours? Fuck you, think twice.
Enough said, I've vented out all the anger I had. I seldom hate people, so if you can fucking make me hate you so much, you must be a true bitch. You don't come in my way, I won't come into yours, don't talk to us, fine, we don't give a FUCK. I hope after three weeks, I won't have to see you anymore. I feel fucked up the minute, I realised I have the same chinese name as you.
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