Monday, April 09, 2007

haiis today went school bio cut up the basketballs needed it for notice board so cut them next lesson CME listened next lesson SS studied recess wanted to do notice board but amanda accidentally lock so chinese next headache slept POA listen but still dont understand haiis after school all went to junction eight to eat vanessa and ahmuii confiscate my penknife and scissors haiis i cant survive and so monkey bought it back for me so now i got eight blades i shall keep one at home for usage thats the only way i can survive haiis went back to school did the notice board make halfway i left dad ask me not to go for tuition i agreed went with him there haiis how many time do you want me to go SC in a week haiis went there aunt and uncles all there sat there daddy did not want to come home with me so he just gave me money to go home on my own and home.

since you did not give a fucking care so why should i care i cant imagine i had a friend like you my god other people are more concern of me than of you since you like me to cut so much i shall cut my whole hand for you to see haiis this world just bring me problems everyday and you come and say sarcasticly you want to cut your ass do you even know the reason behind it if you dont know just shut the fuck up do you even bother to ask if you ask now i will not even tell you cause you are not fit to know and i wont tell you anything you think you know things well then so be it i dont give a fucking care.

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