Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Alright i shall just post before i get my head into studying,
this few days are gruelling its like? Studying daily,
& my dad keep saying this to me,"you pass all, get anything you want, fail one, say goodbye to all your things."
& he keep saying i did not when i did?
It seriously unfair, its just that i'm walking to get a glass of water also wrong,
then what do you expect me to do then,
don't drink, don't eat, fine.
Bio paper was kind of screwed up, but hey at least i know a few cause i did mug,
I was using the Biology paper to fold a heart,
sorry trees, did not mean too, so I wrote this ," How do you mend a borken heart? Use staples.
&You could mend it by opening up the staples and be yourself again, what for waste your tears on parents who do not even care for you, you should just concentrate, if they really still don't care about you, run away from home, thats what i intend to do since Secondary one.
Poa, screwed but i knew some, after the paper i went home.
My birthday i know it will suck for this year, i can only say this year, bad luck year,
But pray for the best.

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