Sunday, November 04, 2007

Well i was too lazy to post last night so here i am,
yesterday i went out with Kim, Jeanette, Jia Mei & Sae,
Kim, Jeanette, Jia Mei and me went to Beach road to get our OBS stuffs,
Jia Mei follow cause she wanted to get her FBTs,
we reach there about 1.10 and i told them lets finish by 2,
cause i wanted to get some donuts from doughnut factory at Novena,
we went there and at the first shop we got almost all our things already,
i bought reusable plastic bags, torchlight, nylon wire, mosquito cream, lighter, candles,
i spent a total of 9.60 only!
we just wandered about there and we found some real cute stuffs and off we went to Taka,
cause Jean and Sae had their interview at Breeks,
went there and there was a sales on shoes and clothes,
Jia Mei went home after they went for their interview,
and we all went to see the shoes and stuffs and drop the idea of going to doughnut factory,
we bought Pop'Doh instead, it taste equally great!
Next we went to Paragon Toy'r'us, and cookie monster is better!
we fight like little kids, haha!
after that we went to sit MRT and home-ed,
i went to the Old Turf City there to eat,
the service is so S-L-O-W, i could die waiting for their food to come,
finally ate finish and went to Giant, bought loads of stuffs!
My sister bought Bacardi cause my mum was there,
& also because she was underage, bad amanda!
& finally at 10 home-ed,
going to bugis later on with my sister cause she wants to buy a SKIRT!
Haha, i shall laugh at her later!

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