Thursday, December 13, 2007

Look at how close at we only!
Alright my dumb phone is giving me some problems again!
I'm super pissed off its not connected again,
forget it i wanted to post a super lame pic,
cause i went to my cousin's house today and i wanted to go down,
since w both were online and less then 30 cm away from each other,
i asked him eh want to go down anot, i;m super hungry,
and he replied okay lets go now,
you see how lame can we get probably i was too tired of talking,
monkey asked me to play ball with them at 4 but at 4,30 i see no one!
Finally Monkey and Xuefen arrived i went down immediately,
plaed for awhile my dad called me and he wanted me and my cousin to help carry a christmas tree,
cause he's client gave it to him, so we went,
the tree is hell big and long got a hamper too its very nice,
went there i screamed intot the speaker,
cause he's secretary went hello and i went HELLO!
haha she was like relax you are so loud and "tee" the door auto open,
haha got the christmas tree back back to Grandma house,
and i went off home and out again cause my sister went to see the doctor i went to transfer money,
and i got my shirt it came already i love it alot!
anyway tomorrow i'm off to hong kong already my flight is at 1 want to send me off at 11am?
haha anyway i'll try to get things for all of your i hope so,
for my cousins and Sean, the team, weetong kim and kat and zhiying thats all
i think i'll get all the same if i have enough money if some don't have then sorry(:
adios bye bye!

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