Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Picture is cool! :P

Dadddddddyyyyyyyyyyyy yoooo! :D

Camwhoring. (:

In the Lift. (:

Flyer. (:

OMG, lame-ness. (:

My Family.

Zayne Tan Zhou Jie, Felix Foo Dun Hao.


Wayne, Zayne, Felicia, Felix, Fiona, Amanda, Samantha. (:

Hoho, Titanic! :P

Sleeping Princess Number two. (:
Sleeping princess.

Gambling timeeee.

Keith...Dun Jie.

Tsk tsk, look at that uncle behind!
Kerwin, Kerrin, Amanda, Fiona, Felicia.
Zayne and Kerrin.
Felicia, Amanda, Kerrin.
Kerrin Kow Jing Ling. :P

Sister and I.

Hello Jovi, Harpeeeee Niuuuuuu Yaaaaaaaaaa. :P

Lovely Ladies. <3s

Finally I get to try Popeye's. (:


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