Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I wasn't on the computer yesterday so i could not blog,
anyway on Sunday i went for my class BBQ cum Chalet,

it was a total blast blast for me and the guys and girls!
We had hell loads of fun, we eat play in the room and watching TV,
yay monkey and the rest went to the arcade and played,
at 10.15pm, pulled Ashley home with me and Jeanette,
we cabbed home at a price of 15 bucks only thats cheap,
alright its the next day i slept and woke up at 7 for training,
meet Jeanette at her house downstairs and took bus to school,
sms-ed my dog to come down quickly, haha but she took her own sweet time!
Training was kind of ok today only,
not say so gruelling that we will fall flat on the ground,

i had fun chasing my dog we curse me that my ball will not go in and she flick my ear,
Coach was like encouraging us to run more, haha i was sweating like shit,
ate at the food court and after that me amanda vanessa and Jia Mei,
went to shop for Charmaine's present,
we shop for an hour plus plus,
finally we got her a cake, a puma shirt and a mini basketball!
& the chalet now has been officially given to Demi's mum,
so intentionally i wanted to stay there but now forget it,
at 7pm all of the girls were late in coming to my house,
they came around 8 plus that just nice when the pizza came!
ate and we played mahjong and ordered Mac again,
waited and watched tv take photos and stuffs,
finally the birthday arrived, make her cut her cake and off they went!
Charmaine; Dog; hope you had a happy birthday! Loves from your owner!
I'll be going to bugis later!(:

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