Monday, November 26, 2007

Some sisters on earth are meant to be loved,
some are meant to be hated,
well mine is the seond one,
Yes, she scolded me being a loser in a lousy school,
so? Does the school matter so much about what your character is,
if it really is then what about those in Bishan Park and lousier school,
don't tell me ALL of them are CALs & CABs,
eat your shit, you come home and order you i rather you continue staying there,
you think i'm your maid? Forget it, unless she says sorry to me,
i won't talk to her she always whack me when i was young,
bully me, beat me, now i've grown up i'm not here to let you scold and whack,
i have my rights to scold back and if she whacks me,
i shant whack her back or i'm in fault too,
wait till she gets her retribution which i hope she does,
now even if she yells at me, what she get would be a yelling from me also.
( you don't really have to see the top invisible part, that are just my thoughts.)

& Jean, take care, i know Reuben is your friend, or rather your brother's friend, but he's your friend still, take care, I'm sure he doesn't want to see you like that, some people come fast and leaves fast, we can't change the fact but we can help him by not crying hard over him, i'm sure he'll feel bad, take care my girl, my Grandma is gone but i also can't do anything to stop her at that point of time that she wanted to jump off the building, i can only accept it and move on, collapsing is only going to make your family worried for you, which i know you wouldn't want to,
so stay strong and cheer up.

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