Friday, November 09, 2007

This is a super long post! but this is what i've done for OBS!
Woke up at 6 and change did last minute packing then went off,
went to fetch Jeanette and off to school,
my bag was kind of the smallest of all, sat bus to Punggol Jetty,
Damien was late after he come we sit boat go Pulau Ubin,
saw my grouping is Cousteau same as Monkey, Rajajaja & Grayson,
reach there immediately grouping luh, play around,
My instructor is hell naggy, went Kayaking on the first day,
Fun man! We learn the Basic of Kayaking and stuffs,
me and monkey capsive and Raja and Grayson save us for like 10 over minutes,
i almost drown luh! Raja and Grayson turn we save them also damn long!
Finally, end already then went off to pitch our own tent and cook dinner,
& for nuts the dinner was only sausages can!
Nevermind faster eat already then bathe and do back packing and stuffs,
& went to tent to sleep, but in the end hand damn pain only sleep for awhile.
Woke up at 5, faster change then went to look for my Medical Ic,
took from my brother and went to put the cream,
we late until for 15 minutes and last for PT(physcial training),
do push up, back stretch all those thing, finally done and went to pack again,
raining so we stay in the shade first, at 9.00 wear poncho and hike to camp one,
reach there within 45 minutes, we had Orientation around there,
its nicer than Camp Two, walk around and went off to do some belaying practice,
after that we went to do rock climbing, damn hell fun fun fun!
but i was quite lousy! Nevermind, faster bathe and pitch tent,
Pitch tent in the jungle next to a heap of rubbish!
went to cook area to eat our dinner, we eat like damn fast luh!
After that went for Debriefing for the next day Kayaking expedition,
went down suppose to pack but we end up seeing whose Kungfu better,
we all laugh like crazy in the end late luh!
Went to bed at 11pm and slept.
Morning woke up at 4.40 raining like crazy got lighting and stuffs,
we don't dare go out so stay in tent luh, in the end till 6 still stuck in there,
that instructor come at 6.10 and scream'what are your still doing in your tent!'
Idiot luh, nevermind all run back in the rain and faster change to PT attire,
do already went down to pack and went to start loading things into Speed boat,
at 9.00 we went to Kayak all bang around,
me and Monkey only girls team but we damn fast,
we kayak and stop and rest drink water and stuffs,
finally we thought we reach the island can bathe,
in the end we reach there the toliet can only pee and shit, the water brown,
& we somemore damn smelly so in the end no choice just use it to wet our hair only,
cook maggie for dinner and pitch our tent first,
eat already at night we went to do night walk,
we walked all the way to a place near the toliet and they tell us say group go in solo come out,
we all like hell scared luh! So just walk luh, walk into one straight path,
and interval of three minutes per person, i walked and run out damn scary luh!
reach out already we all waited and finally back to the tent to sleep.
Morning woke up at 5 again went to the toliet to change and everything,
pack our haversack and meet our instructor, raining so only can hike at 9.00,
went to the basketball court there and they give us a challenge is the "Earn your passport back to Camp Two",
& without it cannot go into camp two, one passport 50 points,
so we must complete challenges in order to get it so we went to the police post cause nearest to us,
we plotted all our points over there, next went to Chek Jawa to let another 7 for the passport,
found the OBS sign and got all our team into Camp two,
we all hike like crazy, Law Ton and QiYin were talking about Char Guo Tweo luh!
We all damn hungry luh, we walked like damn long finally reach the place where it says,
"OBS property, please do not trespass!", we all scream like idiot luhs!
we faster walk into the Jungle and walked for about half an hour and finally reach!
we hike about 20 km or less!
we feel damn hell happy luh, we took our water and drink like crazy people.
we have to pack our store and bathe, but we went to pitch tent and cook dinner first,
we pack store, our Daily IC from kent ridge he come ass us,
Grayson and Rajaja not happy go fight with him,
manage to pull them away but then they not happy again they want fight,
in the end they scared they went to report to instructor,
he never scold only say cannot fight all those luh,
in the end all go eat dinner first bathe and did our store packing seriously,
My brother and rajaja was talking Indian cause Deepavali muh!
make me and qiyin laugh for almost 30 minutes non stop,
we lost some stuffs so we went to steal from other people!
We stole 6 bottle and mash tins! damn funny all is rajajaja steal one!
we pack already all go sleep because first time all watches sleep together,
we all keep talking till instructor come and look for us,
went to sleep.
Yes! last day of OBS, we were early for once and went to meet our instructor,
did PT and play games very fun luh! change into our wet attire cause doing jetty jump!
That means we jump off a plank into the sea! we saw jelly fish luh!
we all must say something before we jump, then i was damn scared so i say i want to pass my O's,
i screamed then jump damn scary luh! i climb up the ladder and went to wait and see others jump!
after that bathe and change and went off to the store the pack,
we all were slacking, finally pack finish went to get our OBS tee and certificate,
Guangyang last school to go luh! We took a group Guangyang Photo,
finally we boat-ed back to Punggol Jetty,
went to AMK hub, thanks to monkey's mother!
We went to eat and laugh!
you will be missed by me,
Wei Xiang and law ton and Rajajaja calling me Jie Jie!
The rest we all played, its damn fun,
we can't deny the fact that Kent Ridge can't cooperate with us!
Ngee Ann and Guangyang are friends!! (:
& Rajajaja and my brother for talking Indian Language!
I was laughing like a mad kid!(:
OBS is fun fun fun but tiring luh!(:
Its worth going if you can stand the heavy bag packs and pitching of tent!(:
Delta! "I!" "I!" "I!"!
Tenzing and Cousteau buddy team!(:
I miss OBS now!(: We love OBS!

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