Sunday, December 23, 2007

Alright i shall update about today and yesterday,
yesterday was the celebration of winter,
my grandma before she passed away, she told my aunt that no matter what happens to her,
she must help her to celebrate it,
so we all went to my cousin's house yesterday,
i went to bugis to meet my cousins cause they ask me to go there,
i want that lolipop shirt its super nice,
after that we went back to my cousin's house there to eat,
all were late i called everyone to faster come,
they all came and we started talking about some jokes we did when we were in Hong Kong,
we all talked for about an hour we all eat and laugh,
cause of the interviewer and my cousin,
we eat then all almost laugh and spit everything out,
anyway after that we played the computer and home,
today i woke up at 11 plus cause i was super tired,
after that i went to eat with my parents and now at my cousin's house,
i bought the exchnge gift just now,
and now i'm watching my DVD Triumph into the skies.
Christmas eve is tomorrow, enjoy it people cause you won't know when someone close to you will leave.

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