Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mass Webcam was fun with all my E1 Besties! :D

Yay I'm the pride of Tp yaw! :D

Wong Zuo yang & Benjamin Tan! :D

See they so nice let me watch TV, knowing that I don't have the teevee, thanks much! :D

Jian Hao, Joke! :P

Hahah, Martin Han Yao Guang! :D

Hi WZY, just to let you know, you look like an army kid. :D

Hi, Bird! :D

Tallieeee, long time since I last saw you, okay... actually not that long! :D

Zet How, Plant! :D
My dearest 4e1 besties webcammed me today while I was doing my work,
and they were awesomely funny, entertaining me and stuffs,
they are so funny as ever, miss studying with them in secondary school! ):
Ah anyways, they are so cute and I can't wipe off the smil on my face,
while I was chatting with them, they are a hilarious bunch, love them man! :D
Okay, well school was such a bore but one thing good is that I'm done with my test,
love to the max! :D The test was easy so I hope I can score high high high marks,
but doubt I'll anyway cause I suck at my grammar and stuffs so ya, all the best to me! :P
Okay, I got to prepare my rehearsal the minute Vittorio comes up with his cue cards,
okay bye and Leon is damn funny today entertaining me with some "Soil Erosion",
after I let him smell an awesome smell in the toilet! :P
Got to go off now, really, bye!
P.S: I'll never forget the signature, you've done for me, call me stupid or what, I don't really bother.

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