Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have an Awesome TransNational Class, except for you-know-who! :D Yay!

Haha look at all the above pictures? It was taken over 2 days only,
plus there are more on facebook, so please make your way there to take a look at it. :D
Anyways, I need to go home tomorrow in the morning and Ho Hui Yi is going to follow me,
I forgot to bring my presentation clothes for saturday and my heels too,
so I need to go get them, damn it. ): Ah nevermind to think tomorrow I have no school,
so nevermind I shall make a trip home, and put some stuffs back home first. (:
Alright my project meeting is gonna start soon and hence I need to concentrate,
oh and I ordered pizza hut with my room mates so I need to finish my work first then eat,
ah well, got to go now, see ya people! :D

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