Thursday, May 06, 2010

Recently saved photos & also an update about my life! :P
Seoul Garden with H12 girls after helping out on registration day, Week 0.
See how gay we are? We all wearing jeans and white tee, cool notzszxzszxszx?
Except for that Tan Wan Leng cause she hates jeans like nobody's business!
We had a great time that day, but many of us K.O-ed after like one hour.
Sentosa 2010 with my relatives and cousins!
This was taken outside Hard Rock Hotel, we went for the opening of Universal Studios,
the merchandise shops are so nice, I seriously hope R.W quickly call me for the interview,
Overall, Sentosa changed quite a bit so those who had not been there for like years,
time to get your butts there!
Pulau Ubin with GAYS! :)
Yes, I know city kids going to such a rural area, ain't cool okay?
I couldn't stand being there after like 3 hours, but overall experience was alright,
the riding down of the steep slopes were <3ed>
GAYS next time we have to go there well prepared yo! :D
Maritchie Nature Run baby, my fastest timing ever, satisfied like shit. :P
Yup victory jump after we run finish 10km,
my not-so happy cousin after a 14.5 km run, he decided not to jump when we took a jump shot!
Fat Boys with AHWJ. :D
Had a slight catch up with my dearest juniors, Alison Poh Li Shan and Heng HweeChang,
my two most awesome juniors on earth! :D
We slacked around and rot at Starbucks for the night,
it was great, we should meet up again when we all have a break again, okayy?
Collection of SSM Uniforms with H12 Girls! :D
Yes, it's the collection of the ugliest uniform on earth man! :D
Haha, but so far for SSM I can say I love & hate it,
love it cause Mr Goh jokes can be really funny and when he does the loser sign,
hate it cause I look like shit! ): But it's alright, work's starting soon, less hell to pay,
Suki Sushi w/ Nette & Tong! :P

Yes yes, I know I eat alot of buffet, but I do excercise it off okay? :P
Haahaha, the company was great so as the food, AWESOME.
Update about my life now!
My life as a Year 2, so far I can only say it's alright, but my group member are like...
I think I can get good grades, so you know how my group mates are like. :D
I still don't really have friends in class cause everyone have a clique, WHICH SUCKS,
I only have Gwen & Wan Leng to depend on every break, but that's enough. :)
Projects and work are piling in now, there's a break tomorrow,
cause of Campus Care Network day, my class is not involved so NO CLASS BABY AFTER 11AM,
going to Suki Sushi with the H12 girls, HELL YEAH,
Gwen just texted me and said SUKI SUSHI WOOOOO, hahahah! :D
This is so funny, I got to say it here, alright I need to get my mind into doing accounts homework,
and then get to sleep, & when I know it would be the next morning!

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